Upcoming events

Welcome Home Class
Interested in becoming a member or just learning more about our church? Join us for our Welcome Home class to learn more about CrossRoads!

Welcome Home Class
Interested in becoming a member or just learning more about our church? Join us for our Welcome Home class to learn more about CrossRoads!

Welcome Home Class
Interested in becoming a member or just learning more about our church? Join us for our Welcome Home class to learn more about CrossRoads!
Worship and Missions Night
Join us for a time of worship and learning from different mission organizations!
Baptism Sunday
This is less of a class and more of a conversation. If you have questions after watching the baptism video, or you want to talk about any aspect of your faith, God, or baptism, join Pastor Mick and Pastor Matt in the lobby during first or second service.
Kingdom Kids Production of God Squad
Come see our kids’ production and enjoy time together!

Welcome Home Class
Interested in becoming a member or just learning more about our church? Join us for our Welcome Home class to learn more about CrossRoads!

Christmas Eve 4PM Service
Join us and invite a friend or family member to our Christmas Eve Service! It will be a time of fellowship, praise, and teaching as we celebrate the birth of Christ!

Christmas Eve 2PM Service
Join us and invite a friend or family member to our Christmas Eve Service! It will be a time of fellowship, praise, and teaching as we celebrate the birth of Christ!

Christmas Eve 11AM Service
Join us and invite a friend or family member to our Christmas Eve Service! It will be a time of fellowship, praise, and teaching as we celebrate the birth of Christ!

Married Life Night Out
Need a night out to recharge with your spouse? CrossRoads’ Married Life Team is hosting an evening of fellowship, fun, and bonding for our married couples!

CrossRoads 26th Anniversary Potluck
Join us for a potluck to celebrate 26 years of CrossRoads!
Baptism Class
Learn more about baptism at our baptism class after announcements both services!

Welcome Home
Welcome Home is our class that helps you get to know CrossRoads, our beliefs, and our staff! This class is also required for membership.

Back to School Worship Night
Join us for our first worship night of the school year on Friday Sept 13th at 7pm!

Community Worship Night - Summer Series
Join us for the third of three incredible nights of worship as the Community Worship Nights Summer Series visits Chittenango! Tickets for the entire summer are $20 and can be purchased here: https://showops.co/s/449/season-pass-community-worship-nights-chittenango-ny
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Vacation Bible School is a way for kids to learn about the gospel of Jesus in a fun and safe environment!

Sunday at the Park & Lake Baptisms
Come join us and invite your friends to this year’s Summer Bash! We will have games, food, fellowship, teaching, worship, and baptisms!

Community Worship Nights - Summer Series
Join us for the second of three incredible nights of worship as the Community Worship Nights Summer Series visits Chittenango! Tickets for the entire summer are $20 and can be purchased here: https://showops.co/s/449/season-pass-community-worship-nights-chittenango-ny